If I could turn back the time

If I could turn back the time,

I'd play grandpa a song

Kiss in him in the forehead

As he lay down on the bed.


If I could turn back the time,

I'd accompany grandma in the grocery

Cook her favorite pasta

While we both dance "cha-cha".


If I could turn back the time,

I'd give Dad the warmest embrace

Appreciate all his love and care

Thank him for always being there.


If I could turn back the time,

I'd kiss Mom on the cheek

Buy her a dress and accessories

Then we'll go watch our favorite movies.


If I could turn back the time,

I'd go on a long trip with my friends

We'll explore various sceneries

As we create many memories.

If I could turn back the time,

I'd ask my special someone on a date

We'll talk and laugh like never before

As we dance lovesongs of 1994.

If only I could turn back the time,

I'd pray you've never gone too soon

Being with you always feels home

But now, I'll just write in a poem.



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