What happened in 2020?

If my future kid would ask me what happened in 2020,

This is how I would tell him the story.

My child, as you try to sit back and relax,

Let me turn back the clock.


One fine day I'm on my way downtown,

Corona Virus is talk of the town.

Newsflash "There will be lockdown",

An increasing number of cases in my hometown.


Everybody goes panic buying.

Then the government implements social distancing.

Body temperatures are being scanned.

Wear your mask and wash your hands.


Many establishments are forced to close.

The poorest of the poor is affected the most.

The busy streets are now empty,

Then TikTok becomes trendy.


People are not allowed to go outside without quarantine pass.

Every checkpoints you can't bypass

Everybody's getting crazy in this period of isolation

But you have to follow to avoid violation.


As the number of affected increases,

Each day the population decreases.

Everybody is scared for their lives,

So we stay safe at home to survive.


We thank our front liners for their undying dedication.

Together they sacrifice to help our nation.

They are all part of history.

Our brave heroes towards victory.


Even then, Mother Earth is again breathing.

Its wounds and scars caused by humans are healing.

So as you live, my love, learn to care and protect Mother Nature with all your best.

Remember, we are never the masters but only her guests.


Though many plans have been cancelled or postponed,

I still believe they will happen soon.

If things don't go according your way,

Trust in His plan and pray.


Now it's time to go to bed and sleep

These memories I will surely keep.

Each day I'm alive and breathin'

Is enough reason to thank God and never stop believin'


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